Anette Carlstrom
Modern Mystic & Spritual Teacher
from Sweden

A passionate speaker, author, mantra singer and Holistic Health thereapist Anette specializes in teaching from the Heart the Sacred Journey of Awakening. She has for the past 20 years travelled world over to share from her own experience the Phenomenon of Awakening to Oneness.
Growing up in Sweden, mostly an atheist country, Anette began to wonder about God, contemplating ”Why do you have to believe in God to know God? Shouldn’t it be available for everyone whether you have a religious belief or not?” Searching for answers, she went through difficult years of inner struggle and conflict, her heart always yearning for that Sacred Connectedness of unconditional freedom and joy. Then I August 2003 she discovered Oneness on her first visit to India and the seeking stopped – a Journey of Discovery had begun.
From her own experience she shares in Energyflowing Online Courses, weekly Guided Meditation Processes and Private Sessions the path to Awakening, connecting the Heart and the Brain.
Anette has since 1998 worked as a Holistic Health Practitioner, educated at Scandinavian School of Kinesiology, Stockholm; with additional deepening courses at College of CranioSacral, London. Anette offers CranioSacral Treatments both Online through Quantum Field Distance Treatments as well as hands-on in Location in Helsingborg, Sweden.
Anette also offers Spiritual Guided Processes and Mentoring with Sacred Energy Transmissions in Private Online Sessions.
You can regularly take part of Energyflowing Meditations, Satsangs and Online Courses with Consciouness Evolution and Spiritual Awakening.
“Anette has provided me with insights, guidance and deep inspiration to go on the journey to Unity, Oneness and, with her brilliant, creative and inspiring personality, has been extremely helpful to me personally. Anette belongs to the truly great and inspirational teachers in terms of personal development”
Lars-Ove Kjellsson Sweden

“Anette is a such an amazing soul. Her presence creates a natural transformative effect in every human beings life, group she gave a hand or touch with her amazing heart. She is not only a spiritually glowing beauty but also a very bright intelligent one who integrates spirituality with science. She is like a marefidelis for many spiritual seekers to find their own paths both through science point of view and Divinity. Her being a powerful but also humble ally in my life journey is a big gift.”
Lila Duygu Ogut – Turkey