Audio files to download

Sacred Mantras of Supreme Light
Every Mantra on the CDs of Anette Carlstrom are recorded as a Transmission of Sacred Energy transmitted to the listener to bring listener into Presence of Supreme Light.Mantras are Alive Sounds that can be experienced as healing vibrations.
As you listen or sing along with the Sacred mantras you will move into harmony and resonance with the Sacred Technology of Consciousness. Each mantra contains the Presence of the One – like a Diamond with many facetts it has the Power to bring you Light Wisdom and Beauty from many different aspects.

Digital – Sacred Mantra of Supreme Light
Every Mantra on the CDs of Anette Carlstrom are recorded as a Transmission of Sacred Energy transmitted to the listener to bring listener into Presence of Supreme Light.Mantras are Alive Sounds that can be experienced as healing vibrations.
As you listen or sing along with the Sacred mantras you will move into harmony and resonance with the Sacred Technology of Consciousness. Each mantra contains the Presence of the One – like a Diamond with many facetts it has the Power to bring you Light Wisdom and Beauty from many different aspects.

Digital – Bija Mantras are powerful Medicine of Transformation.
Carrying the “seed” of the mantra in its most powerful form. All Mantras leads to Awakening and Enlightenment but when Bija Mantra are added it gives tremomdeous power to this process.
You can repeat a mantra for is long as you want, preffered is 108 times or you can sing it 21 min every day. Each track is 7 min long so you can time in the sacred number of 21 min any way you feel guided to. You can sing the mantra, repeat it out loud, whisper it or repeat it silently within.

Digital – Invocation of Oneness
Every song on this CD is a Oneness Blessing, designed to take you into a deeper state of awakened consciousness. Each invocation is sung carrying the “sacred codes from the Heart” as a prayer to the Divine. Anette has a gift that when she chants, the power of the Oneness Blessing comes through very strongly.
These ancient chants and mantras are specifically focused to bring increase awareness, accelerate transformation, to remove obstacles, increase prosperity, deepen bliss and presence and more. Listening to them in the morning, in the car or before you go to bed will stimulate higher frequencies in and around you and help align you more strongly with your Divine Self. When you are aligned with the Divine, the essence of your true nature, then life cannot help but to bring you abundance in all areas of your life.

Digital – Moola Mantra Meditation
This mantra performed by Anette Carlstrom is like a prayer to receive a Divine Connection to your true nature. It is designed for your awakening to a deeper state of consciousness and to experience inner freedom. Whenever you chant this Vedic Sanskrit Mantra, even without knowing the meaning of it, it carries power. When you know the meaning and chant it with feeling in your heart, then the energy will flow a million times more powerfully. It is therefore important to know the meaning of the Moola Mantra when you use it.
The full power of the Moola Mantra is exploded and experienced as Anette’s Gift of her voice activation of the Oneness Blessing is sung into each word and implodes in your heart. The meaning of this most auspicious chant awakens the Divine inside and allows the seed of Oneness Blessing to continue to grow. It also helps to heal emotional and physical challenges. Play it often during your day and “feel” the results!

Digital – Presence of Grace
All tracks on this CD are infiltrated with Grace through the Presence of a Divine energy designed to give you a direct experience of your inner Source, your Inner Sacred Self. All songs and chants are sung in Sanskrit, an ancient language that carries different aspects of the Divine, like a diamond with many facets. Just relax and let the Divine Presence infiltrate every part of your being.

Digital – From the Heart
Each track carries a special energy-transfer of the Oneness Blessing, bringing you to an Awakening of the Heart and giving a direct experience of the Presence within.
All songs are sung in Sanskrit, an ancient language that carries different aspects of the Divine, like a diamond with many facets, taking you into different aspects of the Sacred Self. Just relax and let the Intelligence of your Heart Awaken as you sing along or listen. Awaken to Love and move into Grace – it’s highly contagious!