- Be guided into different layers of the body, mind and consciousness. An inner journey of Awakening into the Oneness Field or Awakening to your Higher Consciousness or Higher Sacred Self.
- Discover Synchronicity of the brain, heart and immune system and learn how a neurobiological shift takes place. You discover an alignment with the flow of the unified field of consciousness, resulting in you living a life free of struggle and inner conflict.
- Each Online course has a different topic in focus where you will learn and discover topics like Alchemy of Consciousness; how to transform negative energies to positive, Healing of Relationships, Flowering of the Heart, Discover the Presence Inside, Health of Body, Mind, Consciousness, Doorway to Abundance and Awakening your Dreams into Reality . All courses carry deep meditative processes to help you initiate a shift and move you into Presence of Now.
Alchemy of the Heart – Awakening to Intelligence
När världens intensitet ökar finns det ett krav på transformation och uppvaknande till intelligens. I min nya onlinekurs kommer du att flyttas in i en tidslinje av guldåldern där intelligens kommer från högre medvetandelagar och tar dig in i godheten och sanningen i din sanna natur. Den här tiden uppmanar oss att börja leva från en plattform med vår egen personliga koppling till den heliga närvaron inom oss; närvaron av tacksamhet, frid, glädje och villkorslös kärlek. Detta är en gåva och inte något vi kan uppnå själva. Gå in i en kraftfull process för att se din sanning och överlämna dig till hjärtats alkemiprocess.
In this Online Course Anette will share from her own experiences how a relationship with Divine can manifest in every aspect of our life. Through deep meditative processes and Energy Transmissions you will embark on an inner Journey of Discovery how this Sacred Bond can manifest into a dawn of Living with Divine.
Living with Divine is nothing less than the Divine manifesting in our Life in a way that is close to our nature. Depending on so many factors it can appear in many forms, both physical manifestation, a mystical experience, divine synchronicities or miracles. Our human bodies are designed to experience this, everyone in our own way, as we connect into the Power of Grace.
How to create a strong bond with your personal connection to the Divine, the Great Compassionate Light within. This Sacred Connection is the solution to all the problems in our life. There is an eternal Fountain of Energy inside of Every Being that is ever ready to help with the task at hand. We just have to Discover it for ourselves in a way that is close to our Nature. What we call this Presence or how we relate to it, it’s personal. Everyone has their own Pathway to the Sacred Presence, the Source within.
This Online Course will take you into Deep Meditative Processes and Divine Energy Transmission of Sacred Mantras based on the Ancient Technology of Consciousness
A Spiritual Perception
In this Online-course, we will go deep into the area of health and discover how to powerfully affect our health and wellbeing and live from our highest potential as a human being.
Experience-based Insights and Meditative Processes with Energy Transmissions to Access Holistic Health.
Spiritual Detox of eliminating negative energies
How to Transform Negative Energies into Positive
You will Learn:
Power of Heavenly Presence
Realization of Oneness
Declutchment of the Mind
Transcending Obstacles
Key to the Bestower of Intelligence
The Mechanism of Letting Go
The Paradox of Universal Intelligence
- Come into Synchronicity with Universal Intelligence and access the Flow of Holistic Consciousness.
- Discover the Intelligence of Body-Mind-Consciousness Connection.
- As one part is healed the other is automatically affected.
- Learn the Sacred Sound Medicine of Transformation
- Discover the Ancient Technology of Consciousness
- Move easily into the Intelligence of the Heart
Repeating or singing a Sacred Mantra is the easiest way to connect into the Divine Consciousness; the Higher Intelligence inside. No matter what is going on in your life, apply the Sacred Mantras and attune to the Sacred Sounds to easily cleanse any negative emotion. Learn how you can easily access this Extraordinary Ancient Technology of Consciousness.
Nearly 2 hours course with Anette
CONNECT TO DIVINE – in your own personal way
If there are 7 billion people on the planet there are 7 billion different ways to connect to the Divine. Inside our very core of Being the Divine is the Common Denominator that connects us all, the Supreme Intelligence. Experience and Connect Deeply into Your Sacred Presence in a way that i close to your Nature and move swift into the Path of Awakening.
- Guided Meditative Processes ,
- Energy Transmissions of Sacred Sound Mantras
- Higher Laws of Universal Consciousness
- How to Connect to the Divine in your own personal way
- Discover Transcendence of Obstacles in your life
Nearly 2 hours course with Anette
Transendence – How to Discover Happiness and Peace
You will learn:
- How to Function Beyond the Mind
- How to Transcend Obstacles
- How to See and Experience
- Guided Meditative Processes
- Energy Transmissions of Sacred Sound Mantras
Nearly 2 hours course with Anette
Oneness in the Body is a Serie of 4 parts
- A Grand Integration of Awakening
- Move into Wholeness of who you are and where Body, Mind & Consciousness come into Natural Being
- Move into your Highest Poterntial as a Human Being
- Increase your Health
- Find your Balance

It includes Extra Bonuses
when purchasing the entire course
This is a deep dive
This is a deep dive and alignment into the the Wholeness and to help you move into your Highest Potential as a human being.
Each course is based on each other and it is highly recommended that you take all four courses to get the maximum benefit. But of course you can also option for taking only one part. The course will include plenty of helpful information, contemplations and guided meditative processes.
- How we can increase communication and awareness of our various organs and systems and organs in the body to find optimal physical balance and promote healing.
- Discover how our body is a community of cells.
- How diet and nutrition affect our vitality and health issues that can arise and what should we avoid.
- How to get stronger foundation in the physical body
- How your heart can communicate directly with your brain – discover the Intelligens of the heart.
- What and when to eat to increase energy.
- How to detox and do intermittent fasting and the health benefits,
- There will also be a review of our various subtle bodies, “Koshas” in Sankrit, and how we can open ourselves to balance.
- How thoughts and feelings affect our awareness and choices in our lives.
- Disover the purpose of the mind and how to use the mind
- Learn why you are the way you are – a review ot the subconscious program that bring “the you” into being as a unique individual.
- How we can get declutched from the mind and plug into heart-brain connection.
- A deep dive into the nature of the mind to raise awareness
- Disover the thought sphere of the mind-body
- Guidad Meditation
- How to develop your consciousness into a life of happiness for no reason.
- How you can develop a deeper connection to the Supreme Light, your Source and Divine Nature.
- How Science and Research go hand in hand with Ancient Technology of Consciousness.
- How to find meaningfulness in your daily life and in your relationships.
- Exploration of Science of Sacred Sounds.
- Guidad Meditation.
Oneness in the body
A Convergence into the Whole.
- How you experience life from your highest potential as a human being.
- The art of letting go of the past and opening a gate to the power of light in everyday life.
- Get a fresh start for happiness for no reason – the Heart and Brain Intelligence.
- Guidad Meditation

Body, Mind & Consciousness
You will learn about:
- Autophagy
- How to be free of Addictions
- Epigenetics
- Oneness in the Body
Find out How ghe Foods You Eat affect your Body, Mind & Consciousness. Discover how to profoundly impact your physical and spiritual health. Learn what fuels living in a biological body and Enhance Higher Counsciousness Connection

Heart & Brain Connection
Every moment your heart is sending signals to your brain, creating a picture of reality how you perceive the world. As our heart generates 5,000 times stronger electromagnetic field than our brain – we carry a Powerhouse within. It is known by science that if you change the fieldof a the atom, you can change the atom
Therefore the vital importance of healing the field of the heart, letting go of old hurts from the past and connecting with a higher intelligence that help us come into balance. From this platform, we learn how to transform negative energies into postivie, allowing the heart to heal the emotions and beliefs that are creating problems in our life. As a Father of Quantum Physics, Max Plank, said; The matter that we see in our world does not exist.
Oneness i Kroppen är en Serie i 4 delar
- En stor Integration av Uppvaknande
- Gå in i Helheten av Den Du Är
- Där Kropp, Sinne och Medvetande kommer i Naturlig Balans

Det ingår Extra Bonus
när man köper hela kursen
Detta är en djupdykning in till helheten av den du är, för att gå in i din högsta potential som människa.
Varje kurs är baserad på varandra och det rekommenderas starkt att du tar alla fyra kurserna för att få maximalt. Men du kan även välja att ta endast en delkurs. Kurserna innehåller ett stort omfång av information för att tillgodose kontemplation och integrerande samt guidade meditativa processer.
- Hur du kan öka kommunikation och medvetenhet mellan dina olika system och organ i kroppen för att finna optimal fysisk balans och främja ett läkande.
- Kostens betydelse och näring påverkar din livskraft och hälsa. Du lär dig vad du bör undvika.
- Hur du kan få en starkare grund i din fysiska kropp.
- Hjärtats Intelligens. Hur du ökar kommunication mellan ditt hjärta och hjärna.
- Vad du kan äta för att öka din energi.
- Hur detox, autophagy och periodfasta påverkar din hälsa.
- Genomgång av våra olika energikroppar, “Koshas” på sanskrit , hur du kan öppna dig till helheten för att få balans.
- Hur tankar och känslor styr vår medvetenhet och val i livet.
- Sinnets syfte och hur du kan använda sinnet.
- Varför du är som du är – en genomgång av de undermedvetna programm som skapat dig som en unik individ.
- Hur du kan få frånkoppling av sinnet.
- Tankarnas sfär i sinneskroppen.
- Guidad Meditation.
- Att utvecklas och skapa ett liv av lycka utan anledning.
- Hur du får en djupare kontakt med ditt inre Medkännande Ljus, din Källa, din Inre Gudomlighet.
- Sambandet hur forskning och vetenskap går hand i hand med urgammal teknologi av medvetenhet.
- Hur du finner meningsfullhet i ditt liv och i dina relationer.
- Vetenskapen av heliga ljud, Sacred Sounds.
- Lär allt om vad Chakror är och Upplev en Chakra Balansering.
- Guidad Meditation.
Oneness i kroppen
En Sammanstrålning av Helheten
- Oneness – en sammanstrålning av allt du är – möt Helheten.
- Hur du upplever livet från din högsta potential som människa .
- Konsten att släppa taget på det förflutna och öppna en Portal till Ljusets Närvaro i vardagen.
- Få en nystart till lycka utan anledning – Hjärtat och Hjärnans Intelligens.
- Guidad Meditation.
THE Online Programs Harness

THE Online Programs Harnsess
In November 2018 I followed the Portal to Light web-course given by Anette Carlström. Following her wonderful guidance I immediately went into a very high state of consciousness. I suddenly felt the need to have a new perspective on a situation that had been in my life for many years. For many reasons, I had chosen not to get involved into it, to let go and move on. But following Anette into the Portal to Light, I reviewed this situation from other higher planes. I saw my energy structure and understood that what I considered to be letting go and to surrender was actually a lack of courage because of a lack of energy to take up the immense challenge that awaited me. During the power of the process Anette was taking us through, I filled that energy gap and saw my energy structure modifying, changing its form, colors and density. It was an incredible process. Now Anette invites us to follow her into the Alchemy of Health. Although I am an holistic therapist myself, I look forward to being guided again by Anette for new multi-dimensional discoveries. My deepest Gratitude to Anette
Oneness in the Body course is such a wonderful web course. This really is a grand integration of awakening. I cannot believe how much information is in this one course. Over four hours of lectures and amazing information, Mantras & Recipes. And other informative information that we all need for these days and times. I recommend this course to everybody who is interested in going to the next level spiritually and physically
move into