Helen & Anette

Becoming wealthy with purpose

Being wealthy with purpose


Helen & Anette



Helen & Anette

Being wealthy with purpose




For the first time Helen & Anette are having a workshop together. Both have extensive experience in helping people connect with Grace and live a meaningful, joyful, abundant and fulfilled life.

This time on our planet brings increased light, and we are accessing accelerated ascension energy causing huge life-altering changes that are unfolding. It is happening for just about everyone now. We can now direct the energy to support Divine manifestations of Love, Abundance and Spiritual Growth in our lives. To clear distortion from our energy field and to profoundly realign with our Essence of Divine Grace, Light and Truth.

You are Invited to join an Adventurous Journey of the Inner Landscapes together with Dr Helen Zhang from UK and Anette Carlström from Sweden.


You will Learn and Discover what wealthy means from the ancient Chinese wisdom learning about the hidden codes and principles for creating and sustaining wealth. Embracing the four pillars of Wealth and Awaken into your True Nature. Explore Being Wealthy with Purpose and Honor your Sacred Agreement. You will receive Transformative Guided Processes ”back in time” to let go and move into Power of Grace. Anchoring the Light into the Golden Age. Receiving Energy Transmissions of Supreme Light and Golden Age Consciousness.

This workshop is about turning a page, letting go of old concepts and it’s about reaching a new level of Love and Light and stepping into our Purpose and Being Wealthy and in harmony with Life. We are moving into alignment with the Truth that we are One with the Divine, One with All, and step into our Highest Potential as a human being.


  • What does Wealthy mean?

  • Why do you want to be wealthy?

  • The purpose of my life

  • Grace & what does it have to do with Wealth


Content of the workshop

  • Ancient Chinese wisdom: hidden codes and principles for creating and sustaining wealth
  • The four aspects of wealth: not just money & material possessions
  • What does it mean to you personally: a journey to discover the true meaning of wealth

Welcome into an Exciting Gateway
Being Wealthy with Purpose!

2,5 hours workshop with Helen & Anette –

for $ 50

Sharing from the participants

“Dearest Anette and Helen
Our beloved Bhagavan invited us to spend time together to go to higher level of Consciousness. It is what you both offered to us tonight. It was a wonderful journey within ourself and within Divine energy. I loved to be with you together. It was powerfully magical. Thank you.”

With Love and Gratitude.




Yes Anette and Helen! The course was beautiful…and so deep! Thank u “



“Thanks to you both wonderful beings for a very special time spent together. The Divine energy was very evident throughout the whole event. Thanks again for your beautiful caring”

Love Annie


“I am so very glad and grateful to join you yesterday, Anette and Helen – you are such wonderful power- couple – it gave me So much. New insights on a deeper level THANK YOU!”



“Such a special mystical practical workshop! Thank you so much!”


Being Wealthy is not just about Money & Material Possession


Meet Your Teachers for this Workshop Online

Meet Helen Zhang

Dr Hai Hua (Helen) Zhang is a bridge between cultures and pathways in life. Growing up in post- cultural revolution China, she spent the last 30 years living, loving and working in three countries (Australia, China and the UK).  Academically Helen received her PhD from the University of Cambridge; an MBA and a Master of Business in Finance from University of Technology, Sydney, Australia; and a BA from Peking University, China.

Professionally she is a highly regarded strategic advisor and best-selling author on cross-cultural understanding between China and the West.

Propelled by the inner quest to find peace, purpose and prosperity, Helen searched around the world for spiritual teachers and enlightenment whenever possible.  After a completely unexpected mystical experience in Jerusalem in 2009, she was guided to her Divine teachers Sri AmmaBhagavan in India, who founded the Golden Age Movement with the mission to set humanity free from suffering.  From that day she has attended many transformative programmes.

As she continues to expand her own consciousness, discover more and more inner peace & calm by receiving awakening states through Grace, her outside world has also been transformed.  Personally she healed her broken relationships with her parents, rediscovered love and passion in her marriage, became the best friend for her two teenage children; supported her husband to pursue his life’s work, and unlocked financial abundance, happiness and wellbeing for the whole family.

Last but not least Helen has found her purpose in life. Besides offering cross-cultural leadership consulting and working pro-bono as a trustee of a leading UK secondary school, she regularly facilitates transformative meditations and other immersive inner journeys in both Europe and Asia to help people connecting with Grace and live a meaningful, joyful, abundant and fulfilled life.  It is her heartfelt desire to “pay it forward” in offering what she has been blessed with to anyone who is ready to receive and transform.

Meet Anette Carlstrom

Anette is the Founder of Ramlösa Portal of Light, a Meditation Center,  Clinic and Studio in Ramlösa, south of Helsingborg, Sweden.

Anette has travelled the world for the past 16 years sharing about the Phenomenon of Awakening into Oneness in life-giving Workshops, Satsangs and Sacred Mantra Concerts.

Anette has studied Development in Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening with Sri Amma Bhagavan at the Oneness University in India for the past 18 years.
Anette has over 20 years experience in alternative medicine, trained at the Swedish School of Kinesiology in Stockholm, specializing in Health and Cranio-Sakral Treatments.

She is an author of two acclaimed books on Consciousness Development and Awakening. ” From the Heart” and “Namaste”. Anette has also recorded several CD`s with Meditative Sacred Mantras to bring the listener into deeper states of peace and transformation.

Anette regularly holds workshops, Satsangs and meditation-events at Ramlösa Meditation Center as well as Online Courses and Live Broadcasts Meditations of the Supreme Light from her Studio.


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